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Pharmacog Sy By Tyler 17 Zip Book Mobi Utorrent Full Version


Pharmacognosy is the process of identifying and classifying drugs by examining their plant sources and chemical composition. The objective of this book is to be a resource for pharmacognosy students and professionals in all areas of pharmacy, such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, natural products, cosmetics and veterinary sciences. This book is the first of its kind. It is unique in that it includes a compilation of all known substances from both traditional and exotic plants, from the plant kingdom. This book will be useful for many aspects of pharmacognosy; identification, classifying, historical context and analytical techniques.The species included in this book are the most important pharmaceutical species used by humans over time. The species included were chosen based on their wide usage and extensive knowledge among pharmacognosy students over time. The species found in this book are commonly used for medications; they also contain components that can be classified under different categories according to various properties (pharmacological, chemical or therapeutical). The book is arranged in chapters, which represent sub-areas of pharmacognosy. They are organised into four sections: Plants Used in the Industry, Plants Used in Medicine, Plants Used for Herbal Medicine and Plants Used for Research.This section provides scientific data on the plants used in the industry. The information given here includes a brief description of the plant's appearance, location, origin and uses as well as a list of its nationalities and scientific names. Some of this information has been gathered from other sources such as other books, journals and encyclopedia articles. This section provides a comprehensive catalogue that should be useful to both students as well as professionals working in the pharmaceutical field as it gives basic information about plants used worldwide. The section is divided into ten alphabets: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. It gives the location of the plant within the plant kingdom and also includes a brief description of its appearance. This area also provides locations for plants used in medicine and herbal medicine.This section describes ten different alphabets along with their classification based on chemical or pharmacological properties. The information provided here includes a summarized biography about each member of this group in a plain language that is relevant to the reader's requirements in this field. This section provides information about ten different types of drugs found in various parts of the world. It also includes a summary of the history of pharmacognosy. In addition to providing a history of pharmacognosy, this section also provides a comprehensive catalogue that is relevant for both professionals and students when it comes to the animal species used in the pharmaceutical industry. This section provides information about ten different alphabets in three different languages: English, French and Latin. It lists various drugs with their Latin names that have been published with a brief description of their use in modern times. It also lists various uses for these drugs in herbal medicine based upon their ligation with other plants or animals, also known as anthelmintics or anti-worm drugs. cfa1e77820

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